Elite Academy provides a safe and nurturing learning environment that meets the needs of children 5 through 21 years of age experiencing educational, social, emotional, and behavioral challenges. Working closely with families, local education agencies, and other professionals, we create an individualized program specific to each student's unique needs in the following areas:
Emotional Disability
Intellectual Disability
Other Health Impairment
Specific Learning Disability
In accordance with state and federal law, Elite Academy safeguards our policy of nondiscrimination for reasons of race, religion, national origin, or disability. Students with the following characteristics are eligible for admission consideration:
Students who have an Individualized Education Plan with day placement listed as the least restrictive environment
Students at least 5 years of age and no older than 22
Students with Autism, Emotional Disability, Intellectual Disability, Other Health Impairment, and Specific Learning Disability
Students with academic and/or behavioral difficulties that prevent satisfactory adjustment in a less restrictive environment
Students who exhibit significant impairment in educational and/or social or interpersonal functioning
Students who require a curated, educational day placement and are not in need of a more restrictive residential placement
Elite Academy utilizes a four-part admissions process designed to make sure we are the program that will best meet the individual needs of each student.

A referral is received by Elite Academy on a potential student. Each referral needs to include the following documentation which will help determine if placement at Elite Academy is appropriate:
Current IEP
Current eligibility documentation
Current psychological, educational and social history
Current school records including discipline records, report cards, transcript of earned credits, academic and career plan, and SOL testing results
Comprehensive physical examination and current immunization record