Elite Academy utilizes a level system for behavior regulation and analysis. This system uses daily point sheets to monitor and measure interval and anecdotal data for each student in the areas of attitude, instructional engagement and attentiveness, respect for others, and following staff directions. Point sheets are sent home daily to keep parents/guardians abreast of student progress. This approach to behavior management is designed to reward positive student behavior and help develop strategies for behavioral change.
Elite Academy uses behavior data in coordination with other student data for developing individualized behavior strategies, to accurately assess progress on IEP goals, and to present at staff and IEP meetings.
Positive Behavior Intervention And Supports
PBIS is a proactive approach schools use to improve school safety and promote positive behavior. The focus of PBIS is prevention, not punishment. All too often students are expected to display appropriate behaviors, however, they have never been shown what these behaviors should look like. Through targeted instruction and modeling, our staff strive to assist our students in conceptualization of these appropriate behaviors so they may then apply them across all settings.
Restorative Circles
An approach to repairing harm that has been done within a community. Participants in a restorative circle are encouraged to be open and honest about their perspectives regarding a conflict, how they have been harmed, and how they think others might have been harmed. Participants also work together to come up with ways to fix the harm that was done and restore relationships.